Pillai HOCL School (CBSE) Boxers shine at Mumbai Divisional Championship
After their clean sweep victory at Raigad District School Boxing Championship, the teen boxers from Pillai HOCL School (CBSE) upheld their performance against the city boxers and won 8 medals (2 Gold, 2 Silver and 4 Bronze).
The boxing which is newly introduced in the school has many takers from campus. Students practiced with enthusiasm and determination allows them to beat many well-known boxers of the city.
Both Gold Medal winners Nishand Singh (Under 14 years 40-44 Kg Wt. Category) and Karan (Under 17 years 75-85 Wt. Category) and will play at School State Boxing Championship going to be held at Chandrapur from 20th to 22nd September, 2014.
Nishand put Pillai HOCL School (CBSE) name in State Boxing Map
Nishand Singh, who has just started with the new game at HOCL School (CBSE) won his maiden State Medal in boxing at State School Boxing Championship held at Chandrapur.